داستان آبیدیک

منع کردن

~ kardan


1 general:: ban, forbid


2 Law:: vt prohibit (state law prohibits gamblings : forbid : to proscribe from or as if from the position of one in authority : command against (the law forbids stores to sell liquor to minorst (her mother forbids her to goh ● ban : (in Persian, more often قدغن كردن) to prohibit especially by legal means (ban discriminationb; also : to prohibit the use, performance, or distribution of (ban a bookb (ban a pesticideb ● bar : a : to interpose legal objection to or to the claim of b : prevent, forbid (a decision barring his participationb ● interdict : 1. to lay under or prohibit by an interdict 2. to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner (interdicted under heavy penalties the use of the Book of the Common Prayer – T. B. Macualay, W3W 3. prohibit, debar (interdicted trade with a foreign nationi ● proscribe : to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful : prohibit (lasting pacts proscribing warfare exist between many primitive societies – Notes and Queries on Anthropology, W3N (any definition of security gets to be so broad as to proscribe practically any free-flowing news – J. S. Pope, W3W ● make illegal ● embargo : to place an embargo on (ie منع دادوستد با كشور معين و نيز رفت‌و آمد كشتيها ) ● disallow : to refuse to allow ● outlaw : 1. to make illegal (outlawed duelingo 2. to place under a ban or restriction (Baby FTC Act – A state statute model on the Federal trade Commission Act, that outlaws deceptive and unfair practices – BLDPEB ● veto : (ردكردن ـ وتوكردن نپذيرفتن ـ ) : to refuse to admit or approve : prohibit; also : to refuse assent to (a legislative bill) so as to prevent enactment or cause reconsideration ● enjoin : a : forbid, prohibit (was enjoined by conscience from telling a lie – WC b : to prohibit by a judicial order : put an injunction on (a book had been enjoined prior to publication — David Margolick – WCW ● restrain : to prevent from doing, exhibiting, or expressing something (restrained the child from jumpingr Synonyms : forbid, prohibit, interdict, inhibit mean to debar one from doing something or to order that something not be done. Forbid implies that the order is from one in authority and that obedience is expected (smoking is forbidden in the buildings. Prohibit suggests the issuing of laws, statutes, or regulations (prohibited the sale of liquorp. Interdict implies prohibition by civil or ecclesiastical authority usually for a given time or a declared purpose (practices interdicted by the churchp. Inhibit implies restraints or restrictions that amount to prohibitions, not only by authority but also by the exigencies of the time or situation (conditions inhibiting the growth of free tradec WC

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